
the day of dark

an entire month happened and you would never know from my blog. I'm terrible. I want to get onto other people for not updating but I myself am stuck in October. well needless to say, the holidays are among us. I love this time of year; the nip in the air, Christmas lights, the music and movies. but this year is different though. I'm actually enjoying the season without wanting to rush to the 25th. this year I've realized there's a world beyond myself and those I am obligated to by for (check out the December 2nd sermon on the podcast at gcomchurch.com). this year isn't about presents for me, it's about putting the reason of Christmas back into perspective. it all started with Black Friday. oh yes, THE Black Friday. normally my Mom, Ericka, and I go out at some point the day after Thanksgiving but it's normally around 9AM - definitely not the early birds. Well this year, we were going to do it. We were going to be the early birds with worms (couldn't go without an office line). Our mission: a 37" tv and Guitar Hero 3. Our target: well, Target. we got up at 5, left at 5:30, rounded the corner of Target at 5:55, gasped at the sea of humanity at 5:55, the store opened at 6:00, found a parking space at 6:00, entered the store at 6:08, and we were too late. Not only were we too late, but all the people who were also too late were letting it be known. While standing in line for Guitar Hero 3 I heard more junk said from parents than I've ever heard around peers. Slamming the workers for not being efficient, not having enough stock, not to mention the foul words that were said while holding their children. It was in the moment as I stood uncomfortably too close to strangers in the electronic department of Target that I realized this is NOT for me, nor is this what it's about. I wanted to stand on a counter top and get all of those people a what for. they were willing to shove, cuss out, and just be entirely inappropriate for the sake of a "Merry Christmas" (authors note: I believe those are the people that say Happy Holidays). We left empty handed and completely appalled. I'm not naive enough to believe we live in a kind world, but sheesh! I then decided that those people were waiting at 4 AM for the latest and greatest they were willing to shell hundreds upon hundreds for, while there are kids that are going to be lucky to get a meal on Christmas, much less Guitar Hero 3 or a Nintendo DS. Did you know that one dollar, can provide water for one year to a person in a country without clean water such as Africa? $1.00 when people were spending beyond $100.00 on one day of the year for something that won't matter next year when they'll jump on the next big thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against presents or even having cool things. but I am against not doing anything to affect change. I don't think we should play martyrs and deny ourselves nice things, but I think you should consider spending some of that money, or even one dollar, to make a difference for the better that's beyond yourself. check out: bloodwatermission.com or leave a comment to find out how you can be plugged into an existing project. now if this were on channel 8, this is when "do they know it's Christmas (feed the world)" would start playing :) just something to think about. it's not all that hard. ha, that's what she said.

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