
flying tomato.

the x games basically define the word awesome, at least for me. I admit I didn't see all of it which was unfortunate, however what I did see was incredible. snowboarding has got to be the coolest thing to watch. I would marry shaun white if I could - or at least be friends with him. during the '06 winter olympics while watching him (shaun white) inspired me to do a little snowboarding (or the closest I could get to that) of my own. this sport is called sledboarding. basically you stand on a sled and go down a hill until you come to that inevitable moment of having to stop which results in either you jumping off or running into something. I've done both and I can't say I recomend either since we live in between two hills you pick up some speed so either way you'll get hurt.. but would i do it again? heck yes. in fact I'm hoping for some snow so I can make it happen again this year. to give an example of sledboarding this was last years first game:
[I was moving down a hill despite popular belief.]
sledboarding does include putting on pool goggles and a big bubble jacket. I'm praying for an '07 sledboarding tournament resulting in a lot of bruises and perhaps a video to prove my mad skills. i'm out. -the flying onion (to clear any confusion this name came from shaun white earning the name the flying tomato; i since became the flying onion just because every other vegatable didn't sound as cool).


DtCtyGrl said...

Girl! You ROCK! You and your mad skills.

Ericka said...

this year i will own you.