
senior discount.

I'm trying to be a blogger. hence my second blog.
sunday was great - 700 people at gcc. pretty awesome stuff going on. small groups sunday night were excellent .. very thought provoking. some of us went to Backyard afterward and apparently this has become the hangout for the older crowd (by older I mean the ones that get the discount on certain days - wednesday at kroger for instance) either way the colts game was on (prayer was put into what I saw - God answered) and this older woman sitting at a table with a heavy southern accent yells (while flailing her arms) "GO PEYTON - GO!!!". amusing? most definitely.
on another note (but following up from my last post), thursday night - huge television moment - when asked by Karen if he still had feelings for Pam - Jam admitted he did!! there were shrills of joy in my household.
this is the stuff of dreams.

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