
the office and enoch.

I think I'm having bloggers block. which isn't too great since this is my first post. however I suppose I can ramble on about nothing so that's somewhat idyllic. it's what to ramble on about that is the question. I most likely should be dissecting spanish sentences but sitting here conteplating how to fill this up seems the lesser of two evils.
tonight is my big tv line up night - sad but true I try extremely hard to stay at home or in control of a tv somewhere on thursday nights but when it comes to the office and grey's anatomy, you've gotta do what you've gotta do. the oc also comes on (may it rest in peace as of feburary) but we are tivoless so then it's a coin toss between grey's and the oc; grey's basically always wins. last week we left at a climax in both shows.. however Dwight will come back - don't know that Angela will let him say anything though so that should be interesting, yet disturbing if you let yourself think on it. I think Michael will eventually fire Andy; they're too much alike. but what it comes down to for me is Jim and Pam. it bums me out. it will happen though, I know it.
on another note (though I believe God loves the office too); something cool I found while reading my bible (the message remix which I strongly encourage everyone to get and read, it puts a completely new prespective on everything) was while reading in Genesis it's going through a timeline of people, ages, their children and what age they died. Enoch was the first to not die, but to be taken up at age 365 (yeah, I know but that was young compared to all the other guys). Enoch was the only person up until that point to have an additional line next to his name saying he walked daily with God - there are 365 days in a year - a year to God is like a minute, but in this case you could say day hence 365. I don't know it just struck me as cool.
anyway I think this is an overly decent sized blog so I'm gone. and if you've read this far, I'm sorry you are so bored.


DtCtyGrl said...

The all consuming question - Grey's or OC? Hmmm..... My vote: Grey's!

Cool insight in your Bible reading!

Ericka said...

Jim still has feelings for Pam.

It's the best tv news since Ross and Rachel finally got together, Sid & Vaughn lived happily ever after, Summer realized she loved Seth, and Derek & Meredith finally got it right.

It's so wonderful, I think I might cry.