
the office, the arch, and MO.

well unfortunately I am back from Florida, actually i have been for about three weeks now - my bad - though I suppose it is a good thing I came back when planned as in nothing happened. but it was amazing - there's nothing like going to the beach to put priorities in place and gain perspective. also unfortunately I came back with the works: allergies, cold, cough, etc. and it makes me wonder how exactly you get a cold from the beach? but I've determined it's coming back to humid, land locked, Tennessee - whoo rocky top. but now I think I'm getting sick part 2 - the story (more like snot) continues. I'm not sure I fully got over the first and now I think I have a sore throat too. up until this point I thought getting sick in the summer was impossible; no such luck, my friend. anyway I'm sitting here at the office a tad bit bored (though I wouldn't claim that) so I will probably end up in an intense game of solitaire. actually katie is coming to get me when she gets up and we're having movie day (most likely just movie afternoon) at her house so it'll be fun. OH exciting travel news: I'm going on a girls trip to St Louis and Hannibal MO in July! I'm pretty stoked. I'll go to my first MLB game - Cardinals vs Giants - be jealous. :) and of course, The Arch (the non-golden one). and then we're going from St Louis to Hannibal which is where Tom Sawyer takes place. we inadvertently plan to go during 'the Tom Sawyer Days' - I like to refer to it as the 'Tom Sawyer Holy Days' though, it sounds hardcore. anyway that wraps up the news here at 9:23 am. I'm out.

1 comment:

Ericka said...

you've got your trip backwards. hannibal first then onto st. louis

woot woot for the tom sawyer holy days!