
tom sawyer and barry bonds

so it's safe to say I'm a sporadic blogger. to recap where we left off: the girls trip was fabulous (to describe girly things, you must use descriptive girly words). we went to Hannibal first which started with a boat ride down the Mississippi, we then went through the caves that are described in Tom Sawyer; Jesse James once hid out there (google him if this meant nothing to you - it still probably won't but at least you will have learned something). we then toured the homes of "Becky Thatcher" and "Tom Sawyer", it was really Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) and whatever the girls name was that was the inspiration for Becky Thatcher. that was a lot of fun - Hannibal is a cute town. then onto St Louis which I'm ready to go back to. I saw my first major league baseball game and I'm completely sold. I'm a Cardinals fan. going to Busch stadium, eating hot dogs, and boo-ing Barry Bonds (it was cardinals vs giants) has made me a true baseball fan. I am sad and hypocritical to say that though I booed Barry with the entire stadium of cardinals fans, I really wanted to see him hit a home run. everyone else did too.. boo him out on the field and then there was a moment of silence when the pitch would be thrown and millions of camera flashes would go off. I took videos every time he came up to bat, but they just ended up walking him every time he came up to bat, well they struck him out once and after that he took himself out of the game. of course this was pre-breaking the record when it was important. but on vacation Ericka and I where in our room, flipping channels and we saw a baseball game so we stopped and we saw (just in time) Barry break the record. it was incredible despite how he got this far, it does take talent (and apparently a good bit of steroids) but you do have to give props where they are due. in other news [REMIX] is awesome. the first service we had 100 kids. if you want to check it out go to: relevantstudents.com . we're about to start small groups september 9th which I'm really stoked about. continuing on: I really want it to rain. we have been in a drought for over a month (maybe a couple of months) now. everything is dead and it continues to be 100+ degrees. everyone needs a good rain day too just to read and watch movies. sunny days make me feel like I should be productive not that I don't enjoy them, just not like this. ok well it's still sunny outside and though I am in a way being productive finally posting again but I should probably move on to other things so probably until next month (or two), buenas tardes!

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