
one word: florida!

I'm really into this blogging thing now; well especially now since myspace won't let me log in - don't know what's up with that and also especially now because I probably should be packing but I'm not and most likely won't until tonight - who packs this early anyway? I'm going to FLORIDA tomorrow! as stated in my last blog we do have to get up ridiculously early. I honestly didn't even know the world existed at 4 in the morning; well actually when we went to Canada, my grandma made us get up at 3 to drive there.. yeahh - moving on. it's going to stink coming back from big stuf though - it feels like I won't have anything to look forward to (as if the rest of the summer in nonexistent). there's just something about it being summer and going to camp. but for now I'm completely stoked about going. this is the ritz of camps - not only are we not staying in the woods in the middle of no where with bunk beds and cabins, but we get to hear some of the most amazing music and speakers. I'm in a room with some great girls too, there's really no downside to this (and I'm praying it stays that way). ok well mom should be home soon for us to go buy sunglasses, a navy blue tank top (it's not necessary, but for me, it's close to it) and running shoes. I probably won't post again until when I get back so ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.