
the one about the tic tacs.

the office is back! I figure this would be a good opening line for all of my two viewers that also watch it. but the best part of it: Jim and Pam are together! fo surrus. for those that were there in the beginning of this blog, we all hoped that this day would finally come. well on 10/04/07 this dream came true. I think it's going to be a great season. in another current events today at church I got my finger stuck in my tic tac despenser. I was needing some freshening so I opened it up, but then they started praying. well I thought I would multi-task and both pray, and get a tic tac. in order to do this it had to be quiet so I stuck my finger in the despenser (it a large tic tac case) and tried to get one out. this idea was shortly crushed so I naturally pulled my finger out, or I tried. it was stuck. it's that moment when you're in a store trying on a bracelet or ring that it doesn't come off and you think to yourself "oh crap, it's not worth that much and now I'll have to buy it anyway". well they changed up service today so they were passing around the offering buckets and I still had a tic tac despenser for a finger. so I passed the bucket with my finger stuck, I guess I could have tried to shake out a few. anyway I told the person sitting next to me which thought I was kidding and then commenced forth to pull, didn't work and really hurt. so then I leaned over to the person on my other side, she asked if I was ready and then yanked.. needless to say all is well, it came off, but word to the wise no matter how bad you want a tic tac, just wait to shake it out.

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